Looking for women who have interest in Sex (Kamasutra sex) meeting
Er sucht Sie > Wernigerode
hello, I am 24 year, 5'11'' Men looking for women to have kamasutra meting. I have master that perticule with Tantric sex. I can be a mobile or visitable.
Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Wernigerode
Ort Wernigerode
Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Wernigerode
Ort Wernigerode

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Please read until the end. Requests or messages from people who no not fit into our search criteria will be deleted right away. We are a couple married for almost two years and together for the last 7 years. We enjoy having threesome experiences of any kind. Currently we are looking for new partners to join us for MFM adventures. We are both highly educated, well-mannered, we both take good care of our bodily hygiene and respect the desires and wishes of our partners. You can also text us in German, this ad will be displayed in English only to expand our reach
She is: 174cm, 63kg, really curvy, nice perky tits, beautiful eyes
He is: 193cm, 85kg, hairy but not too much, fit, average looking
We are open for almost anything other than Golden Shower and Kaviar. We can exhange pics without a face to start with. We deem it appropriate to have a video call before the meeting. It is a must to wear a condom at all times, unless and until mutual 'long-standing' trust develops, for which we would need to spend time together and get to know you well.
We are looking for gentlemen, who are taller than 180cm, heavier than 75kg, not younger than 23 and not older than 32. We are both 27
We have a nice flat of our own, where we can host. We do not make it obligatory (nor have the right to do so) to take an STD test before the meeting, but if you want her to be even more comfortable, you can take a recent test (tell us if you do, we beleive in reciprocal relationships, at least one of us would also take a test 3-4 days before the meeting to make it worth your effort and for the sake of your peace of mind as well)
Take good care. Looking forward to potential partners, have a nice week :() Kategorie Dreier > München Ort München

Hello 😃✌️. I'm looking for a Christmas present for myself soon. I wish for a meeting with a lot of fun. gladly from 4 hours or preferably the whole night. i love spending time and best having fun all night together. but the question is how much do you want for it? and what you like or what can be done with you during sex? I have around 400 to a maximum of 800 euros. for me that's a lot of money. So I am writing to several women looking for a good offer and to have the same interests in sex. i love electronic music and techno and also work in a club. so we can dance before that if you want. or at you , or at me . at home. I can also cook something if you want. I'm a cook 👨🍳. i love long foreplay. preferably a few hours maybe. I love to massage the whole body from head to toe and preferably with oil. I love to lick or play with my fingers on the clitoris. Or put my fingers in the pussy. i love toys if you like or sexy underwear and red or pink lipstick .love it when a woman is horny and aroused also nice and wet or can squirt . and just as much I love to be spoiled. if you play with my cock and my balls. enjoys it and knows different techniques. and i love long wet blowjobs. during sex I like it from tender to hard. or romantic to wild . or slow to fast. just like women like it. It is very important to me that the woman has a lot of fun and is horny and wet and preferably has many intense orgasms. I love that. . so if you like that too then please write me how much time we can spend together and how much you want. Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Berlin Ort Berlin

Du (w) möchtest Zärtlichkeit erleben, neue Erfahrungen machen oder einfach die Kontrolle an einen dominanten Mann abgeben? Ich bin hier, um unkomplizierte, schöne Treffen frei von den Einschränkungen finanzieller Gefälle und zeitlicher Begrenzungen anzubieten. Treffen nur bei gegenseitiger Sympathie.
Ich bin Felix, 29, ein talentierter, gebildeter Gentleman, massiere sehr gerne und weiß, wie ich dich berühre, damit du dich tiefenentspannen kannst. Als erfahrener Liebhaber bringe ich unwiderstehliche Erregung zu dir. Ich teile mit dir leidenschaftliche Nähe, die dein Verlangen nach mir anfacht. Ich bringe das Feuer über deine Haut, das mit jeder Berührung die Hitze zwischen uns erhöht. Ich treffe genau deinen sexuellen Nerv und erfülle alle deine Wünsche.
Egal wie erfahren, alt oder jung du bist. Mir ist eine offene Haltung gegenüber allen Menschen wichtig und dass die Sympathie und ein gepflegter, attraktiver Körper für ein Treffen entscheident sind. Über Ideen zu sprechen und im Konsens umzusetzen ist die Basis für eine schöne Zeit. Ich besitze einen mitreißenden Charme und viel Humor. Natürlich bin ich ein Teamplayer, also lasse ich mich voll auf deine private Situation und deine Bedürfnisse ein. Emotional bin ich ausgeglichen und mit einem tollen Body gesegnet, den ich sehr gut pflege. Ich erfreue mich daran deiner erotischen Seite genugtuung zu verschaffen. Ich bin voller Lust Abende voll Zärtlichkeit und Dominanz umzusetzen und suche dazu feinsinnige Menschen, die auch auf die härtere Gangart stehen. Meine Vorlieben reichen von tantrischen Ritualen bis Dominanz. Gerne spreche ich mit dir über Erst- und Grenzerfahrungen, ergänze deine sexuelle Fantasie, schlüpfe in deine Lieblingsrolle und bin je nach Vorliebe streng und unterwerfend mit dir.
Ich erschaffe Erlebnisse purer Leidenschaft und unwiderstehlicher Lust, Freude und faszinierender Nähe. Ich freue mich darauf dir mit verführerischer Sanftheit und Offenheit zu begegnen.
Indem du dich angesprochen fühlst und du Lust hast betörende Höhepunkte zu erleben, freue ich mich darauf dir mit besonderem Charme zu begegnen. Ich freue mich auf deine Nachricht, Fragen und Ideen. Dein F
engl. below:
(M4F) Fervent paramour for the lascivious
My name is Felix, I am 29 y.o. I evoke the tremble of oscillating energy deep under your skin, while I content to your enticing fantasies and contribute to raise your altertness for pleasure. I create experiences of pure ardour and compelling lust, delight and intriguing stimultaion.
Most subtle stroking and ongoing tactile attention arouse your excitement for the most voluptuous of successions. I meet your aspirations for profound bodily contact with alluring gentleness and tangible depth.
bring the fire across your skin that increases the heat between us with every touch. I hit exactly your sexual nerve and fulfill all your wishes. No matter how experienced, old or young you are. An open attitude towards all people is important to me and that sympathy and a well-groomed, attractive body are decisive for a meeting. Talking about ideas and implementing them in consensus is the basis for a good time. I have a rousing charm and a great sense of humor. Of course I'm a team player, so I fully engage with your private situation and your needs. I am emotionally balanced and blessed with a great body that I take great care of. I enjoy satisfying your erotic side. I am full of desire to spend evenings full of tenderness and dominance and I am looking for sensitive people who also like the harder pace. My preferences range from tantric rituals to dominance. I would be happy to talk to you about first and borderline experiences, complement your sexual fantasies, slip into your favorite role and, depending on your preference, be strict and submissive with you. I create experiences of pure passion and irresistible lust, joy and fascinating closeness. I look forward to meeting you with seductive gentleness and openness. Because you feel addressed and you feel like experiencing beguiling highlights, I look forward to meeting you with a special charm. I look forward to your message, questions and ideas.
Yours, F
Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Berlin Ort Berlin

(Englisch below)
Hallo liebe Damen.
Ich würde mich freuen hier eine Frau zu finden, welche ebenfalls auf der Suche nach dem ungebunden ist.
Dabei bin ich offen für die Art und Weise, wie du unsere bekanntschaft gestalten willst. Ob du mit mir auch abseits des Bettes Unterhaltung suchst oder nur einen Sexfreund haben möchtest, kannst du gerne entscheiden.
Ich bin 36 Jahre alt, 1,78m groß und wiege 78kg. Ich habe braune Haare, blau graue Augen und habe eine normale Statur, bin gesund, 3x geimpft und Nichtraucher. Rasiert im Gesicht und im Intimbereich und bin mit 15cm x 4,5cm behangen.
Als potenzielle bekanntschaft kam ich mir vorstellen
Unter 40 bist
Gebürtige Frau (keine Umwandlung/tv/ts etc.)
Nicht dick bist (Sorry)
Keinen penis hast
Kein tg daddy suchst (Geld gibt's nicht)
Wenn ich nichts vergessen habe, wäre damit das wichtigste gesagt.
Wenn du interessiert bist, würde ich mich freuen von dir zu lesen.
Hello dear ladies.
I would be happy to find here a woman who is also looking for the unbound.
I am open to the way in which you want to shape our acquaintance. Whether you are looking for entertainment with me away from the bed or just want to have a sex friend, you can decide.
I am 36 years old, 1.78m tall and weigh 78kg. I have brown hair, blue gray eyes and have a normal stature, I am healthy, vaccinated 3x and non-smoker. Shaved in the face and intimate area and am hung with 15cm x 4.5cm.
As a potential acquaintance I came to imagine
Under 40
You are Healthy
woman (no conversion/tv/ts etc.)
Not fat (sorry)
Intimately shavedDo
not have a penisNot
looking for a sugar daddy (money is not available)
If I haven't forgotten anything, that would be the most important thing to say.
If you are interested, I would be glad to read from you.
LG Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Berlin Ort Berlin

Hallo, welche << Sie Nationalität und a.lt.er un.wichtig <<hat ***INTERESSE an Reisen und Unterhaltungen im Jahr 2023.Denn ich suche eine Reisebegeitung zuverlässig und gewissenhaft, die mit mir im Jahr des öffteren verreisen möchte. Ein vorab Treffen und besprechen ist mir sehr wichtig um zu schauen ob unsere Chemie stimmt. Ich bin gepflegt, ansprechend und etwas sportlicher Typ erfahren. Über zahlreiche ernstgemeinte Anschreiben freue ich mich. Hello, which << you nationality and age unimportant << has *** INTEREST in travel and entertainment in 2023. Because I am looking for a reliable and conscientious travel companion who would like to travel with me in the year öffteren. Meeting and discussing in advance is very important to me to see if our chemistry is right. I am well-groomed, appealing and somewhat experienced sporty type. I am happy to receive numerous serious letters. Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Köln Ort Köln

I will be in Berlin in january with a girI friend. And I am looking for meeting (men and women) on which to have fun. Curious and perverse, my practices adapt and my tastes diversify according to my encounters. Demanding, I am always focused on discipline and protocol, I know how to appreciate both soft and hard, and even extreme... for occasional sessions or internships. Very focused on finery, do not hesitate to tell me about your fetishes. I have a large clothing wardrobe in leather, latex, vinyl, velvet, silk, lycra, python, fur... but also many tailor-made tools to increase your pleasure in constraint and pain. Follower of plurality, I like scenarios and role-playing, alone or with others, with submissives or dominants. Very discreet and preferring the real, I do not show myself on social networks or on video. I prefer secure messaging to converse in view of our shenanigans. Our discretion is paramount. I can be open to memberships and servants if they can tell the difference. Tell me about yourself, make me want to and don't be shy, I don't do everything but I have no taboos, absolutely everything is debatable. Kategorie Fetisch allgemein > Berlin Ort Berlin