Looking for a woman with pretty feet
Affären > Salzgitter
I like to pamper pretty feet in elegant pumps.
So I'm looking for a foreign lady for a long term affair.
I'm a 50 year old German man.
If you like your feet worshiped and if you are from Salzgitter, Braunschweig or Wolfenbüttel then contact me.
Kategorie Affären > Salzgitter
Ort Salzgitter
I like to pamper pretty feet in elegant pumps.
So I'm looking for a foreign lady for a long term affair.
I'm a 50 year old German man.
If you like your feet worshiped and if you are from Salzgitter, Braunschweig or Wolfenbüttel then contact me.
Kategorie Affären > Salzgitter
Ort Salzgitter

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I like to pamper pretty feet in elegant pumps of a lady.
So I'm looking for a foreign lady (over 18) for a long term affair.
I'm a 50 year old German man.
If you like your feet worshiped and if you are from Salzgitter, Braunschweig or Wolfenbüttel then contact me. Kategorie Affären > Salzgitter Ort Salzgitter

Suche kurvige Frau mit großem Busen und/oder Hintern für regelmäßige TG Treffen diskret bei mir Zuhause.
Alter von 18 bis 60, Herkunft egal.
Du solltest aufgeschlossen sein.
Gerne auch dickere Frauen, reifere Ladies, Afrikanerinnen, Latinas... Bin da ganz offen, kein Grund zur Nervosität!
Ich bin m, 30, 190 cm groß, 85 kg sportlich, Deutsch, tageslichttauglich mit Haus in der Natur.
Sexuell alles im normalen Bereich. Nach Bild ohne Gesicht gerne zuerst persönliches Kennenlernen bei Treffen in der Öffentlichkeit.
Freue mich auf dich!
I am looking for a curvy woman with large breasts and/or buttocks for regular TG meetings, discreetly at my home.
Age from 18 to 60, origin doesn't matter. You should be open minded.
You can be thicc, mature, African, Latina... I'm pretty open minded, no need to be nervous!
I'm m, 30, 190 cm tall, 85 kg athletic, German, suitable for daylight with a house in nature.
Sexually everything in the normal range. After picture without a face like to get to know each other personally at meetings in public.
I'm looking forward to you!
M. Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Tübingen Ort Tübingen

If you're looking for a wild experience and the time of your life, you found the right girl :-) I'm 26 years old, 55kg and 166cm. And I come from a very far away land, most precisely in latin america... 💋❤️ I'm uncomplicated, chill and have a natural talent for sex (or at least thats what people say). You won't ever forget how deep I can suck your dick.
THEREFORE: I am a normal, chill and easy going woman with a pretty normal life. For a date with me, the minimum I expect from you is to message me (not automatic one!) like a normal human being with some words about you and your interests.
Write me to know more infos about me. I only send pictures in the platform of my choice (not up to discuss this).
Dates aren’t scheduled over here.
Fakecheck is a must if your profile is less then 60 days old.
Hoping to see and fuck you all soon, beijos meus amores 💋💋💋
❣ 1 hour: 150
❣ 30min: 100
❣ Blowjob or quickie (15min): 80
❣ Kissing
❣ GF6
❣ Devot/Domina
❣ Rimming passiv
❣ Strap-on/Pegging/Inversion
❣ Toys and Dessous
❣ Fingering (vag and anal)
❣ Spanking (active and passiv)
❣ Chocking (active and passiv)
❣ Trampling
❣ Ballbursting
❣ Feet service (active)
❣ Looking for something which is not in any list? Write me about it! Im open to any kinks which aren't in my taboo list.
👑 Extras 👑
❣ Anal: 50 (size isnt relevant)
❣ NS active and passive (not possible in face or mouth as passive): 50
❣ Deepthroat: 25 (size isnt relevant)
❣ Rimming active: 25
❣ Looking for something which is not in any list? Write me about it! Im open to any kinks which aren't in my taboo list.
❌ Scatt/Kaviar
❌ Blood/Vomit
❌ Fisting passiv
❌ Age/Rape/Pet play
❌ Unsafe sex
❌ Car/Outdoor dates
❌ Enema
❌ Fotos or videos during the date
❣ Stater pack: 25 for 3 videos and 5 pictures.
💦 more coming soon 💦 Kategorie Sie sucht Ihn > München Ort München

I'm looking for a foreign woman who will give me a bj for money, all origins except German
No men only woman
I'm male, 32 years old, neat, clean & looking for today Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Helmstedt Ort Helmstedt

(Englisch below)
Hallo liebe Damen.
Ich würde mich freuen hier eine Frau zu finden, welche ebenfalls auf der Suche nach dem ungebunden ist.
Dabei bin ich offen für die Art und Weise, wie du unsere bekanntschaft gestalten willst. Ob du mit mir auch abseits des Bettes Unterhaltung suchst oder nur einen Sexfreund haben möchtest, kannst du gerne entscheiden.
Ich bin 36 Jahre alt, 1,78m groß und wiege 78kg. Ich habe braune Haare, blau graue Augen und habe eine normale Statur, bin gesund, 3x geimpft und Nichtraucher. Rasiert im Gesicht und im Intimbereich und bin mit 15cm x 4,5cm behangen.
Als potenzielle bekanntschaft kam ich mir vorstellen
Unter 40 bist
Gebürtige Frau (keine Umwandlung/tv/ts etc.)
Nicht dick bist (Sorry)
Keinen penis hast
Kein tg daddy suchst (Geld gibt's nicht)
Wenn ich nichts vergessen habe, wäre damit das wichtigste gesagt.
Wenn du interessiert bist, würde ich mich freuen von dir zu lesen.
Hello dear ladies.
I would be happy to find here a woman who is also looking for the unbound.
I am open to the way in which you want to shape our acquaintance. Whether you are looking for entertainment with me away from the bed or just want to have a sex friend, you can decide.
I am 36 years old, 1.78m tall and weigh 78kg. I have brown hair, blue gray eyes and have a normal stature, I am healthy, vaccinated 3x and non-smoker. Shaved in the face and intimate area and am hung with 15cm x 4.5cm.
As a potential acquaintance I came to imagine
Under 40
You are Healthy
woman (no conversion/tv/ts etc.)
Not fat (sorry)
Intimately shavedDo
not have a penisNot
looking for a sugar daddy (money is not available)
If I haven't forgotten anything, that would be the most important thing to say.
If you are interested, I would be glad to read from you.
LG Kategorie Er sucht Sie > Berlin Ort Berlin

Hey guys,
message me only in English please! And just so you know for some reason I pretty often don't receive the very first message from people. So if you sent me 1 message and no more and you didn't hear back from me, it's quite likely because I never received your message.
I'm a 26 year old, 180 cm tall girl with size 44 feet offering foot sessions in Berlin (I live here).
I'm fine with foot worshiping sessions (feet licking, kissing, sucking the toes, etc.), I'm fine with trampling, more dominant sessions physically, and giving basic orders. I'm not offering smelly feet now. You can get naked and m.sturbate, but I don't do any sexual acts and I wear regular clothing.
Let me know if you're interested in having a session! Kategorie Fetisch allgemein > Berlin Ort Berlin