Sex Treffen & Sexkontakte

Gegenseitig verwöhnen zwischen KEH und RID

Kategorie: Sextreffen > Kelheim

Fahre heute zwischen 13.30 und 14.30 von Kelheim nach Riedenburg. Hat wer Bock?
Bin 44, gesund und diskret 

Kategorie Sextreffen > Kelheim
Ort Kelheim
Gegenseitig verwöhnen zwischen KEH und RID
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Tantra session
Hallo beautiful souls!  ????   Two years ago I started to be interested in meditation and working with energy in the body, but I didnt have enough courage to put my knowledge into practice after the first bioenergetic massage workshops.  Thanks to this, I had a lot of time to understand myself more deeply and get closer to my essence thanks to various practices. I began my tantric practice in spring. I believe that there are no coincidences in life and that’s how it was supposed to be. By carrying out sessions, I am constantly learning, developing knowledge and practice, remembering that I am a student and a teacher at the same time. During my development I realized that the path to self-knowledge leads through the body. Our body contains the story from our birth to death. The mind sometimes displaces the traumas that are stored in the body. The session is an outcome of my studies, practise and involvement. My practice combines : interview, massage, sexuological bodywork, breathing techniques, and emotional release to helps you to be reconnected with your essence. Being a tantric bodywork recipient in a passive role, you have the opportunity to discover what needs healing. It takes courage to allow yourself to stop and let yourself to be without mask, with acceptance to all of your shades. To get rid of hidden emotions that might block you. I create a safe space to let you welcome your emotions. You can be with your anger, irritation, sadness, laughter or bliss. Feel it to heal it.   'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” C.G. Jung Kategorie Erotische Massagen > Berlin Ort Berlin
Healing Tanstric therapy
Hallo beautiful souls!  ????   Two years ago I started to be interested in meditation and working with energy in the body, but I didnt have enough courage to put my knowledge into practice after the first bioenergetic massage workshops.  Thanks to this, I had a lot of time to understand myself more deeply and get closer to my essence thanks to various practices. I began my tantric practice in spring. I believe that there are no coincidences in life and that’s how it was supposed to be. By carrying out sessions, I am constantly learning, developing knowledge and practice, remembering that I am a student and a teacher at the same time. During my development I realized that the path to self-knowledge leads through the body. Our body contains the story from our birth to death. The mind sometimes displaces the traumas that are stored in the body. The session is an outcome of my studies, practise and involvement. My practice combines : interview, massage, seSological bodywork, breathing techniques, and emotional release to helps you to be reconnected with your essence. Being a tantric bodywork recipient in a passive role, you have the opportunity to discover what needs healing. It takes courage to allow yourself to stop and let yourself to be without mask, with acceptance to all of your shades. To get rid of hidden emotions that might block you. I create a safe space to let you welcome your emotions. You can be with your anger, irritation, sadness, laughter or bliss. Feel it to heal it.   'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” C.G. Jung Kategorie Erotische Massagen > Berlin Ort Berlin
Welcher junge m lässt sich blasen
Hallo, welcher m ab 18 bis maximal 27 lässt sich einen hj oder bj geben. Melde dich gerne bei mir bin mobil Raum Rgb, Sr, La, Keh Bin m19 Kategorie Sextreffen > Regensburg Ort Regensburg
Jetzt in keh
Hi jemand zufällig lust zu blasen oder ge* zu werden? Habe jetzt zeit. Meldet euch gleich bei mir und wir machen was aus. Nicht ewig rumschreiben. Gepflegt und diskret ist vorraussetzung. Kategorie Sextreffen > Kelheim Ort Kelheim
suche Frau mit Van für Sex
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Suche nach süßer Maus ...
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